OYY Billie Jean - black/seal brown with roaning smooth coated large pony mare 13 hands born fall 2013. Billie is loaded with personality and good manners. She is presently ground driving and pulling objects - soon to be hitched. She hails from a talented family full of ride and drive ponies. She could be a magnificent addition to someone's pony broodband with her outstanding pedigree. she will also be a super pleasure or performance driving pony - as well as a very nice riding mount. $5800 also pictured below are her maternal brother and sister SOLD
Billie Jean as a 3 1/2 year old - first time trotting poles
Billie Jean first time trying out an intro test .. 3 1/2 years old
Billie Jean is a fluffy pony in winter.. she is growing and learning to use her body